Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Memorandum by CNPF. ( Television)

Television is today incontestably a phenomenon of society and occupies a preponderant place in our daily life with all the psychological, socio-cultural and political repercussions, deep and multidirectional transforming in an insidious way the attitudes and behaviors of the citizen.
Faced with the exponential craze of citizens, national TV channels must properly fulfill the social and cultural role assigned to them.
Today, the citizen has a very high opinion of the affirmation of his social and cultural being and demands answers to his expectations when the criteria of development and development.
We note with regret today that the Moroccan television viewer is threatened with cultural alienation by the fact that he is too often confronted with foreign cultural products that convey attitudes, behaviors, and reasoning far removed from his culture and inclinations.
Openness to other cultures is indispensable, but it can only produce positive effects in relation to self-assertion and it is the confrontation of being endowed with well-assimilated cultural assets and a balanced personality. , that one can make beneficial fruitful the exchanges and the interpenetrations.
But if we remain under the exclusive influence of cultural products foreign to our cultural heritage and our development ambitions, we risk a pernicious acculturation, undermine our social cohesion and reduce to nothing our potential to participate in universal culture.
Television channel reports with audiences today need to be rethought, revalued and expressed in a democratic and scientific way.
It is not by carrying some minor "changes" in programs that we are going to revolutionize the national audiovisual landscape. We must not register in this lure.
It is at the level of program content and visual creations during the image that we can make positive changes to try to meet the expectations of the public and contribute to the affirmation and harmonious development of our national culture.
By modernizing and democratizing the content and forms of TV programs, we will be able to fulfill our duty as a leading cultural actor, participate in the enriching entertainment of the public and develop its critical sense, which are indispensable conditions for development. individual and collective.
In application of the Royal Direction and stipulations of the constitution which recommend governance by participation system, the work to be carried out must be carried out by mixed commissions composed of representatives of the profession and the SNRT.