Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Memorandum by CNPF.( Encouragement of foreign investment )

Encouragement of foreign investment:

Currently, foreign film productions benefit in our country from a number of advantages, in this case the exemption from the payment of VAT (20%), the CNSS and the IGR and creates in 2018, a return on investment system 10% by repaying to the foreign investor 10% of the sums in foreign currency that he invests in the production of films. We propose that infrastructures dedicated to film production and maintained on site, infrastructures financed entirely in foreign currency by foreign investors will benefit from the same discount.
This option can help to establish a real film industry whose consequences can only be beneficial for the profession and the country, particularly in terms of foreign exchange earnings, employment and on-the-job training of specialized technicians.
Investment return application measures must be established in such a way as to encourage both the foreign investor and to benefit directly or indirectly the national film production industry through the on-site use of human and technical resources. existing.

These commissions are indicative and not definitive and the contents of their respective missions and the quality of their members will be specified during their constitutions.