Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Memorandum by CNPF

Method of approaching the development of a production :

Here, it must be stressed that the study of projects must focus primarily on the artistic content of the projects and not on the presentation of supporting documents, certificates and administrative certificates that can be requested after acceptance of the artistic dossier which must constitute the master piece of the project
1-Presentation of the project by the producer:
Documents required
a) Exhibition of the theme and a synopsis - 30 to 40 lines.
(b) Note of intent of the producer and the author.
The producer must specify the recommended way to carry out the manufacture of the product and the means to implement for the realization of the work.
The author must explain his motivations and the approach to take (characters - style of writing etc ....).
Each note should not exceed 1 page or 25 lines.
This presentation of the file to the chain must be answered no later than 3 weeks after its presentation.
If the channel shows interest, it must release a development budget to allow the producer to professionally prepare a production record in a "Bible" which, if accepted, must be followed by a writing contract that will define the rights and obligations of each of the parties and determine the amounts of the transfer of rights and the terms of payment.

c) The production contract comes after the completion of the writing.
The production contract must take into account not only the economic aspects but also the copyrights and the conditions, durations of sale and spaces of the diffusion of the work by the chain.
It is recommended to set up 3 commissions to make the evaluations, to fix the orientations of each department and finally to set up the modalities of program selection and the follow-up of the executions.

With respect to the commission designated by "commission of the fiction" this commission must have for mission:
-Develop a specification defining the standards of the different types of fiction to be achieved as well as the technical, artistic, legal and financial framework of the production of these achievements.
-To appoint a reading committee and a technical committee.
-To recommend the follow-up procedures of the selected projects, from the pre-production until the delivery of the finished product, and to propose the measures (and crazy guards), condition likely to ensure the good functioning of the productions:
-To ensure compliance with contracts signed between the channels and production companies whose projects fall within the scope of this agreement.
Reading committee
The reading committee, in charge of the study and the selection of fiction to be produced, is made up of 5 personalities from the world of culture and the arts, enjoying a national reputation in the field of artistic and cultural creation and having demonstrated their interest in film and television production, either through the publication and publishing of literary and audio-visual works, or through the publication of studies and articles on the production of national or international audiovisual works.

From the technical committee :

The technical committee, made up of 3 experts in film and television production and production, is responsible for deciding on the technical and financial feasibility of the projects selected by the reading committee taking into account the criteria defined for this purpose in the specifications.
The specifications and the definitions of the committees are indispensable and integral to the present, which must be regularly adapted to the evolution of the audiovisual landscape society and technology.

Expectations in terms of content :

If TV production of fiction can not be rigidly coded, which would be incompatible with its artistic vocation, it is nevertheless desirable that guidelines inspired by the national socio-cultural environment and its evolution be indicated. to meet the expectations of the public.
As such, the program commission, in collaboration with the professionals, can give clear general guidelines that define both the editorial line of the chain, and the definitions of the types of programs.

The standards of fiction
The fiction productions, referred to below, will be shot in professional digital video by producers, directors, technicians and professional actors, according to the standards accepted in the profession and will comply with the following specifications:
-Telefilm: Televisual equivalent of the movie feature film. Lasting 90 minutes, it is shot in interiors, exteriors and possibly in the studio.
-Series: It includes at least 13 episodes that concern the same protagonists but may be independent (or not) from each other. Each ears.

Cinematographic co-productions:

The involvement of television channels in the production of cinematographic films, which is the program most appreciated by viewers, has become a common practice around the world.
It should be noted that the essential heritage of a chain is constituted by its capital of works of fiction which remains a living capital living during decades; works of fiction can be broadcast several times over several years without suffering from the news or can be broadcast in cinemas, sales or exchanges with other broadcasters around the world.
The resources
Four types of resources have been identified:
A / Own funds of the chain allocated by the state budget.
B / Chain own funds fueled by advertising revenue
C / National Private or Institutional Sponsors.
D / Local institutional participation (urban communities, municipalities, prefectures, ministries) in the form of participation in logistics and financial participation.