Mysteious agressions continues to happen against SNRT journalists and technicians especially now we have two agressive cases (see Houssaine Garcshane and Mohammed Essaraj Eddaou ) .Now that IFEX , the Canadian agency which protects journalists in the world, is investigating about this affair ,Local responsibles either in SNRT and police should make serious measures so as to stop these atrocities against artists,journalists and technicians .
El houssine has produced for his box of dreams SNRT, several film documntaries in which one of them is primed in Tunisia .
Now,El Houssaine GUARCHANE is editing Talghounja 's dailies at Snrt which is about a berber tribe singing and making some rituals to ask for rain which has been late to come to life.
This artistic work is a 26 m film documentary called Talghounja narrated by Sakina BOUAACHRINE with the co-ordination of Hamza EL ADAWI as a production designer .Luckily,Snrt has started to produce some intelligent film documentaries like this one and other ones like Al Madinate Al Oum focusing on seducing Moroccan viewers and the world .
Allal El Alaoui