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sitewebs :
16:9 new issue up A Danish online journal of film studies that is published five times pro anno. The essays, articles, interviews and reviews are primarily in Danish but each issue features an article in English written by a film scholar.
Bright Lights Film Journal new issue up San Fran mag geared to underground, gay, but also classic films. Issue 56, is now up. The site is well archived, providing relevant links to previous issues that could keep you glued to your monitor.
Cadrage French language journal written in with the spirit of serious reflections on cinema.
Cantrills Filmnotes Although out of action, this is the site for the legendary Austra magazine. Committed to experimental film, it contains a handy section listing the contents of every issue.
Cahiers du cinéma updated New Cahiers site is up.
Cashiers du Cinemart Zine with an emphasis on cult cinema. Site currently being updated.
Chaos Mag: multi perspectives to meaningful cinema A quarterly online magazine that aims to create a provocative space to discuss meaningful cinema, in an accessible language, taking an Indian viewer’s perspective, i.e., the world of cinema seen through an Indian angle.
Cineaste Online version of this magazine, with sample articles. A film magazine genuinely committed to the relationship between film, art and politics.
Erreur ! Référence de lien hypertexte non valide. Several articles from the hardcopy edition are available online. Highly recommended.
An exciting and comprehensive Portugese online film journal, divided into five sections: Artigos (articles), updated monthly; Críticas (criticism), current releases updated weekly; Plano Geral, a section devoted to free writing on various topics; Programação (program), which lists the most interesting festival or film programs showing in Brazil; and Arquivo, their archive.
Convergence Subtitled “The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies”, this is the web page for the journal, with the contents and abstracts of the hard copy articles.
Documenter They no longer have their own website, but the National Library of Australia has archived copies available online.
El Amante A monthly Spanish-language journal.
Film Comment updated Online version of the New York magazine, featuring several sample articles from each hard copy issue.
Film International updated Bimonthly journal Film International founded in Sweden 1973 as Filmhäftet. They say, “We aim not to be just a scholarly journal, but a new breed of film magazine, mixing established academic film scholars (and other scholars) with renowned film journalists, trying to reach a wider circle of readers. The main focus is on longer essays with in-depth-analysis and interviews. However, there is also an extensive review section on, DVDs and films at the cinema”. Recommended.
Film Ireland Magazine A bi-monthly publication with reviews and news on the latest in Irish and world cinema. Excerpts from their hardcopy issues can be read online.
Filmmaker A quarterly journal based in New York that offers news and information on the independent film scene. A few articles from their hardcopy issues are available online.
The Film Journal Quarterly online film journal with essays, interviews, and reviews.
Film and Philosophy Film and Philosophy is a journal that publishes philosophical essays on film. The site also doubles as Editor Daniel Shaw's personal website. A subscription site with content from earlier volumes available online. Volume 2 can still be found here.
A philosophical review of cinema, with a special “email salon” for further dialoguing. So if you're looking for a critical approach / discussion of cinema, this is the site. There's plenty here.
Film Quarterly The web page of this well-known magazine, includes a list of the contents of all issues. For a subscription fee, you can read articles from their current and back issues here. For free email updates click here.
Flicker Here you will find films and videos that transgress the boundaries of the traditional viewing experience, challenge notions of physical perception and provide cutting edge alternatives to the media information technocracy. Site contains information about the films and their filmmakers, images and news about alternative cinema. Updated regularly, highly recommended.
Flickhead With new design and articles. Also includes Chabrol and Buñuel tribute pages.
Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media Legendary hardcore British magazine's website. Published bi-annually, Framework is an international journal dedicated to plural approaches to film and media. Site contains subscription information and several articles from previous issues are available online. Contents of following issues are also available.
Images: A Journal of Film and Popular Culture Online mag that is pretty stunning graphically, as well as providing some good content. Current postings: 'The Fall of Janet Leigh', reviews of recent films and plenty more in its archive section.
IndieWire A high-end mag, attuned to American indies especially, great with industry news, reports from festivals. Regularly updated.
Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media A bi-yearly journal that deals with all aspects of cult media – television, film, radio, literary cults and cult authors, new media cults, theorizations of cult media etc. The journal also has a 'Cult Media Review' section that has reviews of books, various conferences and conventions etc. Issue 3 Spring 2003 is a special horror issue.
The Journal of Religion and Film If you approach cinema from this direction, this is an indispensable site. Also has reviews of recent films.
Jump Cut No. 47, Winter 2005 has a special section entitled, "Documentary theory, new documentaries, and “contemporary events” fictions". Essays from earlier issues are now online. Recommended.
Kinema A semi-annual journal for film and audiovisual media that publishes articles, critiques of film and media literature. The journal's aim is to promote the discussion of history, theory and aesthetics of film and audiovisual media from an international perspective. Several articles from each issue are available online.
Kino eye Amazing journal for articles and information on Central and Eastern European film, covering many (obscure) art films. It's updated fortnightly, with between 4 and 10 original pieces on fringe European cinema in every issue.
KinoKultura Updated quarterly, KinoKultura contains reviews, articles and news on Russian cinema.
Millennium Film Journal Although it doesn’t have any of its articles online, the site lists all of the journal’s issues since 1978 which are all available by mail-order. The journal deals with independent, experimental, and avant-garde cinema, video, and, more recently, works that use the newer technologies.
Offscreen updated A very impressive Canadian site that's been online several years now. Updated regularly with a huge archive of great articles on art and independent cinemas.
Otrocampo For Spanish-speaking cinephiles, here's an online film journal well worth checking out. (Site currently unavailable...)
P.O.V. A Danish journal of film studies that devotes their March issues to short films.
Proboscis | COIL A site associated with the English journal Coil, devoted to experimental cinema. A few sample articles available.
RealTime Online version of the Australian arts magazine, featuring the film section “OnScreen”.
Reverse Shot : Online new issue up Bi-monthly online film journal. Issue 19 is now up.
Rouge new issue up Issue 10 now up. Recommended.
Savage Cinema updated A bi-monthly publication dedicated to horror cinema. Includes feature articles, reviews and other interesting topics.
Screening the Past new issue up Latrobe University's film and history online journal. Issue 20 is now up.
Sight and Sound Online version of this BFI magazine, has several articles from each hard copy issue. Also includes a fully browse-able archive of their online articles.
Synoptique new issue up New monthly / weekly web journal from Quebec whose main interest is in publishing bilingual and eclectic film criticism, theory and scholarship. Fine design. Recommended.
The Thinking Eye An online magazine devoted to Latin-American cinema. Available in English, Spanish and some texts in Portuguese.
Vertigo: Independent Film Magazine updated A quarterly British film magazine. Impressive range of contributors and subject-matter. As well as subscribtions for their print magazine, they also produce a monthly mini-mag available free and exclusively online.
Views Reviews Interviews A Journal of Cinema and Cultural Theory with a focus on Indian cinema. Although it's the 1999 issue, the articles are still worth reading. Features articles on Kurosawa, Wajda and Brecht.
World Socialist Web Site A major site for film writing, on art cinema – reviews, festival reports, and more. Regularly updated.
Critics' Pages
HYPERLINK ""24FPS 24FPS has ceased activity. However, a web archive of all their articles is available online.
HYPERLINK ""David Bordwell's Website on Cinema updated David Bordwell's homepage. Includes an "Online Essays" section that will be regularly updated.
HYPERLINK ""Fred Camper updated Chicago Reader critic Fred Camper's page, has essays on experimental figures such as Brakhage and Gehr, but also on others such as Mizoguchi, Welles, de Toth. There is also a thought-provoking listing of “Favorite Filmmakers” – one of the best alternative canons you'll ever see.
HYPERLINK ""Chronicle of a Passion A number of the sites featured here get updated regularly by their authors, and this is one of the best ones to keep a regular eye on. Home page of New York critic Steve Erickson, with a mammoth archive of reviews of films from recent years, and a special section on French film critic Serge Daney. Includes a great links section which lists the pages of a score of critics worldwide.
HYPERLINK ""Cinema Reviews & Criticism Harry Marshall's site, a writer from the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall, UK. It includes a growing section dedicated to film reviews and criticsm with a primary focus on the 1920s and 1930s. A series of articles is in progress covering the career of the director and producer, Ernst Lubitsch.
HYPERLINK ""Cinephilia A Melbourne-based site, it has reviews of films showing around town plus a searchable and browseable database of over 1000 films.
HYPERLINK ""Classic Film and Television Michael E. Grost's site contains writings on many genres and filmmakers.
HYPERLINK ""deep focus updated Critic Bryant Frazer's website, full of thoughtful reviews of current and recent releases. Site is well designed. Regularly updated.
HYPERLINK ""Chris Fujiwara: Writing Great site with links to many of film critic's Chris Fujiwara's writings, an impressive assortment of reviews and essays on a number of genres, films and directors.
HYPERLINK ""Raymond Durgnat A site dedicated to the late Ray Durgnat. Contains bio and his writings.
HYPERLINK ""Long Pauses updated A fine looking site with various writings on film and literature.
HYPERLINK ""Movie Diva North Carolina Museum of Art film curator Laura Boyes' website containing film annotations on classic arthouse and modern classics.
HYPERLINK ""Theo Panayides Cypriot critic with his own website, full of capsule reviews (of mainly recent films), and a host of Best lists (his own, links to others', etc.). And he has the best ratings system around. Regularly updated.
HYPERLINK ""Gerald Peary updated Peary's writing is very accessible, highly recommended. Includes reviews, essays and interviews. Regularly updated.
HYPERLINK ""B. Ruby Rich The legendary feminist author's own website, with excerpts from her work, and several discussion groups.
HYPERLINK ""Jonathan Rosenbaum This is not, strictly speaking, JR's own page – it's the Chicago Reader's Movie Section. Still, he features prominently, and all the reviews are lengthy and wonderful, with a great archive section also.
HYPERLINK ""Bill Routt Latrobe Uni academic William D. Routt's home page – a man with a sense of humour and quite varied interests!
HYPERLINK ""Henry Sheehan updated Film critic Sheehan's site contains film reviews, essays and interviews. His piece, “Seen Any Poor People at the Movies Lately?” discusses film as a class based activity. Definitely one to keep a regular eye on.
HYPERLINK ""Strictly Film School Neat, loving site by NASA engineer Acquarello, providing a great introduction to and overview of art cinema, featuring directors such as Tarkovsky, Bresson, Chabrol, Leigh, Paradjanov, Sautet, and many others.
HYPERLINK ""The UK Critic This is Ian Waldron-Mantgani's site. Contains articles, links, retrospectives and reviews of UK cinema releases.
HYPERLINK ""Armond White This is not his personal site, it's a link to the New York Press. His article(s) can be found in the “film” section of the site.
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Screen Organisations/Resources
HYPERLINK ""Anthology Film Archives Based in New York, it is dedicated to the preservation, study and exhibition of independent and avant-garde film. It is the first museum devoted to film as an art form, committed to the guiding principle that a great film must be seen many times, that the film print must be the best possible, and that the viewing conditions must be optimal.
HYPERLINK ""American Cinemateque The website for the Amercian Cinemateque at the Egyptian Theatre. Includes program notes and their DVD distribution.
HYPERLINK ""Australian Centre for the Moving Image ACMI is Australia's first centre dedicated to experiencing, exploring and enjoying the moving image in all its forms. New website.
HYPERLINK ""ACMI Lending Collection Wanna see a film? If you live in Australia, especially in Victoria, this is where various collections are housed – the ever-expanding ACMI Lending Collection, the National Film and Video Lending Collection, and the French Embassy Collection.
HYPERLINK ""Australian Film Commission A comprehensive website of Australia's government film organisation with information on the organisation, what services and resources it provides to the film community, and the latest news.
HYPERLINK ""Australian Film Institute The AFI's website.
HYPERLINK ""Australian Screen Directors Association Organisation representing the needs and interests of Australian screen directors. Site includes information about membership, the organisation's newsletter and other links.
HYPERLINK ""Australia's Cultural Network The online gateway to Australian cultural organisations, websites, resources, events and news.
HYPERLINK ""The Production Book Australian Film and Television Industry directory for crew, suppliers and production information.
HYPERLINK ""British Film Institute The BFI's homepage, containing info on all their activities (screenings, Sight and Sound magazine, etc.)
HYPERLINK ""Cinématèque Francais A guide to screenings at and publications of the hallowed Cinémathèque Française (Paris), with extensive programme notes, plus links.
HYPERLINK ""Cinématèque Ontario The site for this Cinemateque. Also has information on how to purchase their publications.
HYPERLINK ""Cinematore An Italian cinema search engine.
HYPERLINK ""The European Graduate School Its faculty members include, Chantal Akerman, Catherine Breillat and David Lynch just to name a few. Here you can find a list of resources on these EGS faculty members.
HYPERLINK ""Film Arts Foundation FAF is a San Fran-based organisation dedicated to the support of independent film and video makers.
HYPERLINK ""Film Australia updated A Commonwealth-owned production and distribution company. Its mission is the creation of an audio-visual record of Australian life, through the commissioning, distribution and management of programs which deal with matters of national interest to Australia or illustrate and interpret aspects of Australian life. You can search their titles here. The Film Australia Library now online.
HYPERLINK ""Internet Movie Database Looking for some info on a film or director? Try this database.
HYPERLINK ""LUX British film organisation (descended from the London Film Co-op among others) set up to preserve and distribute independent film and video. Has a 'featured' section with interviews and reviews.
HYPERLINK ""Media Resource Centre Adelaide's film centre.
HYPERLINK ""Media Review Query Engine You can find reviews on almost any film on this database.
HYPERLINK ""Melbourne Cinémathèque This site offers full program details for the Melbourne and Oz Cinémathèque.
HYPERLINK ""National Library of Australia If you go to their Pandora archive on HYPERLINK ""this page, you can see archive copies of Senses of Cinema, i.e. with all the old designs of the journal, all the old index pages, etc.
HYPERLINK ""Österreichisches Filmmuseum The Vienna Film Museum's links page contains links to many international film festivals, archives and databases.
HYPERLINK ""Peripheral Produce Describing themselves as a “propaganda machine that promotes cinematic endevours”, this group promotes and sells copies of selected short works, organises screenings at random locations and holds an annual documentary and experimemental film festival.
HYPERLINK ""RMIT - AFI Research Collection The AFI Library has gone through a name change and is now located at RMIT University in Melbourne. The new site includes the online catalogue, new extended opening hours, mailing list details and research services.
HYPERLINK ""RML Movie Page Australian director Richard Lowenstein's impressive directory, linking to literally hundreds and hundreds of web pages.
HYPERLINK ""ScreenSound Australia Dedicated to the collection, preservation and sharing of Australia's screen and sound heritage. The National Collection includes more than one million items and is available for all Australians.
HYPERLINK ""V tape Based in Toronto, V tape is an international distribution, exhibition and resource centre that focusses on the contemporary media arts. Carrying over 2000 titles, V tape also promotes the distribution of Aboriginally produced film.
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HYPERLINK "" Part of the Masters of Cinema project, this site contains news, words and more on Bresson.
HYPERLINK ""Evans Chan Website of the Hong Kong independent filmmaker.
HYPERLINK ""Directed by Brian De Palma Glossy, full of stills, good overviews of (some of) De Palma's films, links to other DP sites. Has an interview with him on Femme Fatale.
HYPERLINK ""Carl Theodor Dreyer There's a lot here. A must for anyone interested in Dreyer's films.
HYPERLINK ""Egofilmarts This is the official site of Atom Egoyan. As well as providing information on Egoyan, the site is interactive (click and drag the 'spider') and contains a soundtrack. A great site.
HYPERLINK ""Ellie Epp Site of Canadian experimental filmmaker Ellie Epp. Has her theoretical writings plus info on her work.
HYPERLINK ""Harun Farocki The official website devoted to German underground filmmaker, writer and teacher, Harun Farocki.
HYPERLINK ""Film Directors: Articles on the Internet Great site that contains links to articles on the web on a number of directors. A valuable resource considering the difficulty in finding credible pieces on the web. The Renoir resource centre is now up. Regularly updated.
HYPERLINK ""Cinema=Jean-Luc Godard=Cinema Provides numerous links to other Godard sites/articles.
HYPERLINK ";list"Great Directors Webring Links to pages on Haynes, Zhang, Malick, Sturges, Ford, others.
HYPERLINK ""Hal Hartley, Trouble and Desire A committed, thorough and loving site devoted to this contemporary American director.
HYPERLINK ""Alfred Hitchcock - The MacGuffin Web version of the legendary newsletter/magazine devoted to Alfred Hitchcock.
HYPERLINK ""La Jetee A site devoted to Chris Marker's astonishing film.
HYPERLINK ""The Jim Jarmusch Resource Page Has a great bibliography, many articles as hyperlinks.
HYPERLINK ""Hanif Kureishi The official Kureishi website, essays and short stories published online.
HYPERLINK ""The Sergio Leone Home Page New design, many articles, stills, links to other Leone sources.
HYPERLINK ""Makhmalbaf Film House The website for this filmmaking dynasty. Contains profiles of its students, weekly news and information on Iranian films.
HYPERLINK ""Ken McMullen Official website including recent news.
HYPERLINK ""Masters of Cinema Regularly updated with news, articles and links on world filmmakers. The site is not a DVD distributor, but it has a worldwide DVD release calender and collaborates with Eureka Video.
HYPERLINK ""Melbourne independent filmmakers - a web resource A site with numerous profiles of independent film directors in Melbourne, including James Clayden, the Cantrills, Giorgio Mangiamele, Philip Brophy.
HYPERLINK ""Web of Murnau “Sunrise is the cinema itself” the author says in this impressive site on F.W. Murnau. Many great stills.
HYPERLINK ""Other Cinema The website of filmmaker Craig Baldwin, his films and own exhibition project, Other Cinema.
HYPERLINK ""Yasujiro Ozu Nice site that contains bio, films, resources and links on this wonderful filmmaker.
HYPERLINK ""The Pantheon Glen Norton's site which links to pages on Bresson, Kiarostami, Haneke, others.
HYPERLINK ""Maurice Pialat The first internet site dedicated to Maurice Pialat. With enough information to fill a book, it includes a comprehensive biography covering the years 1954 to 2003, filmography, film analyses and other articles, bibliography and constantly updated news. The site is predominantly in French but some texts are in English.
HYPERLINK ""The Questers Home Page This site has to be seen to be believed. (Wait for the download, it's worth it.) Opens with a quote from Pascal (“we should seek the truth without hesitation”) and goes up from there: pages on Bresson, Pasolini, Paradjanov, Tarkovsky, Buñuel, Bergman, others.
HYPERLINK ""Jean Renoir Sister site to Film Directors: Articles on the Internet Website; in addition to articles, this Renoir resource centre provides information on films, recent news, retrospectives and bibliographies.
HYPERLINK ""Order of the Exile: Jacques Rivette new link up Website devoted to publishing articles about Jacques Rivette. Updated monthly.
HYPERLINK ""Eric Rohmer new link up French Rohmer site.
HYPERLINK ""Françoise Romand new link up Website of "fictional documentarist" Françoise Romand. Contains news, bio and links to sites dedicated to her two films Kitchen Eye and The Camera Eye.
HYPERLINK ""Kitano Takeshi . Com Online resource on Kitano Takeshi by Danish film critic Henrik Sylow.
HYPERLINK ""Nostalghia (Andrei Tarkovsky) Another wonderful site from the Masters of Cinema project dedicated to Tarkovsky.
HYPERLINK "" new link up A Lars von Trier forum.
HYPERLINK ""Wim Wenders An official site containing relevant information about Wenders. Also includes sections on “Art” and a “Forum” where visitors can post messages.
HYPERLINK ""Zipporah Films (Frederick Wiseman) A website about documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman. Here you can find info on all his films and on how you can obtain them.
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Asian Cinema Pages
HYPERLINK ""A Chinese Cinema Page Shelly Kraicer's site dedicated to films from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China.
HYPERLINK ""Asian Film Connections A site that seeks to create a deeper awareness of Asian films. Especially films from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Korea. A must for all Asian cinema enthusiasts.
HYPERLINK ""Criticine new link up Criticine is an online publication dedicated to pushing forth intelligent discourse on Southeast Asian cinema.
HYPERLINK ""Heroic Cinema: The Guide to Hong Kong Movies in Australia A new look to a website dedicated to Asian film screenings in Melbourne and around Australia. Maintained by the ever-passionate Mark Morrison.
HYPERLINK ""Hong Kong Cinemagic updated A great site dedicated to the Hong Kong film industry. Contains news, reviews and interviews. The site is a good introduction into HK cinema and Canto-pop-culture. Available in French and English. Updated regularly.
HYPERLINK ""Hong Kong Film Archive updated If you want resource info on HK cinema, here's a good place to start. You can also find a complete Hong Kong filmography from 1913 to 2003.
HYPERLINK ""Kinema Club This is a site devoted to the study of Japanese moving image media. Here you will find a huge database of resources and a discussion group. This is a dedicated site, a must for both the Japanese cinema enthusiast and scholar.
HYPERLINK ""Korean Film Commission (KOFIC) This is the website of KOFIC. Dedicated to the promotion of Korean films worldwide, it also contains a Korean film database. Great for updates on Korean film.
HYPERLINK ""The Korean Film Page A site designed to give the reader an overview of the films, issues, people and events that shape the film community in Korea. A must for anyone interested in Korean and/or Asian cinema.
HYPERLINK ""Midnight Eye “The latest and best in Japanese cinema”, features interviews, reviews and a calendar of events of Japanese films past and present.
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DVD/Video Distributors
HYPERLINK ""Classic Movies Online store of videos and books of classic films.
HYPERLINK ""The Criterion Collection The Criterion Collection is a New York-based DVD publishing company dedicated to producing high-quality digital editions of important classic and contemporary films. The website features a bi-monthly electronic mini-magazine called, In Focus, which is a forum for exploring major currents and forgotten backwaters in the history of film with topics ranging from individual filmmakers to national cinemas, specific techniques to unusual sub-genres.
HYPERLINK ""Facets A video and DVD distributor specialising in world cinema.
HYPERLINK ""Lowave Paris-based DVD label specialising in European independent shorts, experimental, and video art.
HYPERLINK ""Milestone Films A film and video distribution company specialising in classic and contemporary art-house films.
HYPERLINK ""Movie Mail UK-based video and DVD mail order company dealing in cult/classic and world cinema.
HYPERLINK ""re:voir videos movies films Here you can purchase experimental films from filmmakers such as Brakhage, Mekas, Deren etc.
HYPERLINK ""Siren Entertainment Video distributors, here's their page of upcoming releases.
HYPERLINK ""Third World Newsreel An alternative media arts organisation that supports the work and distribution of independent film and video by and about people of color. The media promoted by TWN aims to encourage people to think critically about their lives and the lives of others, and to propel people into action.
HYPERLINK ""Video Data Bank: Video Art and Video Artists A resource and distribution service that provides videotapes by and about video artists committed to the development of video as an art.
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Film Festivals
HYPERLINK ""AFI Film Festival (Los Angeles) HYPERLINK ""Amnesty International Filmfestival (Amsterdam) HYPERLINK ""Archipelago International Festival of Short Films and New Images (Rome) HYPERLINK ""Arizona International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Atlanta Film & Video Festival HYPERLINK ""Bangkok International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Berlin International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Bogota International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Buenos Aires Festival of Independent Cinema HYPERLINK ""Calgary International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Cannes Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Chicago International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Chicago Palestine Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Chicago Underground Film Festival HYPERLINK ""CineVegas (Las Vegas) HYPERLINK ""Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Cork Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Denver International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Edinburgh International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Gijón International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Hi-Lo Film Festival (San Francisco, then on tour) HYPERLINK ""Helsinki International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Hong Kong International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Il Cinema Ritrovato HYPERLINK ""International Experimental Cinema Exposition (Colorado) HYPERLINK ""Oberhausen International Short Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Istanbul International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Jeonju International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Karlovy Vary International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Leeds International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Locarno International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""London Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Madcat Women's Festival (San Francisco) HYPERLINK ""Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Montreal World Film Festival HYPERLINK ""New Directors/New Films Festival (New York) HYPERLINK ""New York Film Festival HYPERLINK ""New York Underground Film Festival HYPERLINK ""New Zealand International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Pan African Film & Arts Festival (Los Angeles) HYPERLINK ""Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou HYPERLINK ""Pesaro Film Festival HYPERLINK ""PiFan (Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival) HYPERLINK ""Pordenone Silent Film Festival (northern Italy) HYPERLINK ""Pula Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Pusan International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""ReelWorld Film Festival (Toronto) HYPERLINK ""Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""International Film Festival Rotterdam HYPERLINK ""San Francisco International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""San Sebastian International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Sarajevo Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Seattle International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""The Shadow Festival (Amsterdam) HYPERLINK ""Singapore International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Slamdance Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Stockholm International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Sundance Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Taipei Golden Horse International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Taos Picture Show (New Mexico) HYPERLINK ""Telluride Film Festival (Colorado) HYPERLINK ""International Thessaloniki Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Toronto Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Trieste Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Valladolid International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Vancouver International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Venice International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Vila do Conde Shorts (Portugal) HYPERLINK ""Worldwide Short Film Festival (Toronto) HYPERLINK ""Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Zanzibar International Film Festival
HYPERLINK ""Adelaide International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Brisbane International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Flickerfest (National) HYPERLINK ""French Film Festival (National) HYPERLINK ""Mardi Gras Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Melbourne International Animation Festival HYPERLINK ""Melbourne International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Melbourne Queer Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Melbourne Underground Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Revelation Perth International Film Festival HYPERLINK ""St Kilda Film Festival (National) HYPERLINK ""Sydney Asia Pacific Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Sydney Film Festival HYPERLINK ""Tropfest (Brisbane) HYPERLINK ""WOW International Film Festival
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HYPERLINK ""Animation World Network The hub of animation on the Internet.
HYPERLINK ""At the Movies (ABC TV) New name, different station, same show. Margaret and David have moved house. At The Movies presents news on film events, reviews, interviews and of course, film ratings given by Margaret and David.
HYPERLINK ";list"Avant-Garde/Experimental Film Webring Self-explanatory ring.
HYPERLINK ""BRAINTRUSTdv Website devoted to critical discussion of DV cinema. Features essays and interviews focussing on DV theory.
HYPERLINK ""British Cinema Greats A site devoted to British cinema. Parts of the site is still under construction, but for the moment it has a complete section on British actors / actresses born before 1950 and synopses and production notes of great British films.
HYPERLINK ""Cinetext new link up Cinetext is a bilingual internet forum for film and philosophy located at the University of Vienna (Austria) addressing students, researchers, scholars, and anyone with an interest in the thoughtful exploration of cinema, film, and television.
HYPERLINK ""Cinema Minima A digest of news for digital filmmakers covering many aspects of digital production.
HYPERLINK ""Currency Press The website for Australia's premier performing arts publisher; contains catalogues of all their publications and has study guides available online.
HYPERLINK ""Filmbuff's Forecast Legendary Melbourne radio show's website, it contains info on current and upcoming releases.
HYPERLINK ""Film Sound Design & Theory Put together by Sven E. Carlsson, a teacher of Media at Birka Folkhögskola in Sweden. It is dedicated to the art and analysis of film sound.
HYPERLINK ""Laura A site dealing with the relationship between sound/music and film image. It reads, “Laura-- intersecting with histories of radio, voice on film, popular song, modernist and postmodernist storytelling, television and the internet-- exists in a liminal area between noise and non-noise, repetition and renewal, information and perception, human and machine. Yet across each innovation, as well as every timeless tic, there remains of predominance of the radiophonic.” Hmmm…interesting. Check it out.
HYPERLINK ""Zoë Lund Robert Lund's website devoted to Zoë.
HYPERLINK ""Milk Plus: a discussion of film Has regular postings on films, past and present.
HYPERLINK ""The Movie Show (SBS) Online site of SBS’ Movie Show. Containing news on film events, reviews and audio interviews
HYPERLINK ""Moving Image Coalition What was once Melbourne's Super 8 film group, has now become the Moving Image Coalition, seeking super 8, 16mm, video/Mdv and sound artists for screenings.
HYPERLINK "" (formerly known as Ozdocos) updated is a weekly travel vlog featuring Travel Documentaries from around the world, produced by Australian Filmmaker Mark Shea. Stories have so far been filmed in Australia, Ireland, Spain and Vietnam.
HYPERLINK ""School of Theatre, Film and Dance The website for this progressive Sydney tertiary institution.
HYPERLINK ""Sydney Film School The school offers nationally recognised qualifications (Certificate IV in Screen and Diploma of Screen), and is also registered to accept international students. Their courses focus on the hands-on and creative teaching of drama and documentary on 16mm film and digital technologies.
HYPERLINK ""WIFT - Women in Film and Television (NSW) Based in New South Wales, Australia, WIFT is a non-profit organisation committed to improving the position and representation of women in the film and television industries.
HYPERLINK ""Women's Image Network This is the website for WIN, a non-profit corporation that encourages the positive portrayals of women in theatre, television and film. With an advisory board including high profile names in Hollywood, WIN produces and holds various events. Check out the site for news about the WIN Femme Film Festival.
HYPERLINK ""World Cinema This site has a rather large list of directors, actors and articles on film. The site is still under construction, which probably explains several dead links. However, a lot is already up. Check it out.
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