Thursday, February 28, 2008

Assistant-Réalisateurs known for Ads are in difficulties in SNRT.

Very soon an open letter to Jalal Awatif,the director of production in SNRT,is about to be written by Allal El Alaoui explaining to him the hardships and pains that assistant-directors are going through especially that these technicians called already -Dynamites- because of their importance to schedule films and organize artistic programes,feel disappointed not to participate and work on drama Tv films,sit-coms and movies .

Obviously;in front of the eyes of the Tv technicians watching waves of Nouveau riches of house productions coming to Rabat and getting fatter and richer because of money given by main admininstrative bureau at Patrice Émery Lumumba street,technicians like Ads are in severe difficulities financely and professionally asking for justice and fairness simply to work in drama Tele-films and movies as it is promised by the director of production himself when he first came to Rabat bureau two years ago.
Allal El Alaoui

إلى من يهمه الأمر, السيد مدير الإنتاج.

وبعد,يؤسفني أن أعبر عن تدمري وحزني باعتباري الممثل لفئة مساعد مخرج نظرا لعدم الاستجابة المهنية لشؤون هده
الفئة ناهيك الظروف الصعبة التي تجتازها حاليا ودلك في إطار توفير فرص الشغل والممارسة الفعلية في الأعمال الدرامية
والمسلسلات التلفزيونية.
لقد سبقت المديرة أن صرحت بالتزامات إدارية في هدا الشأن ووعدت بإدماج هده الفئة كلما تعلق الأمر بشراكة أو عقد مع الشركات الأجنبية خاصة في أعمال الدرامية حيث تم التصريح بتشغيل 25 في المائة من مستخدمي الإنتاج في الإنتاجات الدرامية لكن وللأسف الشديد , لم نلتمس أية مبادرة في هدا الاتجاه علما أن السيد الرئس المدير العام من خلال دفتر تحملات الشركة الوطنية يشجع المستخدمين للاستفادة من هده البرامج الفنية,في حين اكتفت المديرية بإيجاد حلولا سريعة تتلخص في ابتكار بعض التخريجات انظر المذكرة المنشورة في أبواب الإنتاج والتي نعتبرها رغم دلك حلولا ايجابية لأنه سوف يستفيد منها مجموعة كبيرة من هده الفئة نظرا لبؤس وضعيتها المادية والمعنوية.
وفي هدا الصدد, نجدد طلبنا إلى كل من يهمه الأمر في مديرية الإنتاج لكي يرصد مشاكلنا وتطلعاتنا علما أن مجموعة كبيرة من هده الفئة قادرة على الإبداع الفني وبالتالي إنجاح مشاريع كبرى التي تبرمجها الشركة ضمن شبكتها التلفزيونية.
كما نعبر عن قلقنا الشديد للكيل بمكيالين والتحيز المطلق لفئة المكلفين بالإنتاج الدي أصبح البعض منهم ينتحل شخصية - . Ange gardien رئيس أو حارس ملائكي -وتناسوا أن هدا النوع من العمل هو عمل جماعي حيث أصبح البعض منهم يتدخل في أشياء لا تعنيه و لاتدخل في اختصاصه كتحميل مسؤولية توقيع طلبات إدارية ولوجيستيكية مثلا اقتناء أدوات الكترونية تخص المصورين تم اقتناء
أشرطة الفيديو التي هي أصلا تدخل ضمن اختصاصات المكلف بالإنتاج انظر التدريب الأخير مع طوما حول علاقة المساعد المخرج ,السكر يبت مع المخرج تحت إشراف مديرة الإنتاج .
وفي الأخير نستغرب من مصلحة التأهيل المهني بالشركة الوطنية تحت إشراف خالد خشان عن عدم إدماج المساعدين المخرجين من الاستفادة من التكوين المهني عنوانه :
- تاطير المكلف بالإنتاج والمساعد المخرج عن طريق مسودة :
Logiciel : Movie Magic Scheduling and Budgetting
هدا التكوين يهم ليس فقط المكلفين بالإنتاج في أخراج التقييم المالي لأية شريط سينمائي أو تلفزي ,بل يهم أيضا المساعدين المخرجين في تهييأ من خلاله خطة العمل وورقة العمل اليومية.
Le Plan du Travail et La Feuille de Service.
ونود في الأخير من مديرية الإنتاج مراجعة الوضعية لهده الفئة من خلال النقط التالية:
Qui fait quoi ? - تحديد المهام لطاقم الإخراج المعروفة باللغة الأجنبية.
- التكوين والتكوين المستمر.
- الاستفادة من التعويضات الشهرية والسنوية
- توفير وسائل النقل المريحة عندما يتعلق الأمر في مهمة ذات مسافة بعيدة.
- احترام معايير وضوابط العمل خاصة على مستوى تهييا المشاريع الفنية.
- الاستفادة من التكوين في الخارج حسب الاتفاقيات المبررة مع الشركة الوطنية والدول الأجنبية.
- الحق في الترقية الإدارية والترقية المهنية وفي هدا الصدد نود من المديرية أن توضح لنا ماهية المعايير لكي يصبح
مساعد مخرج مؤهلا للإخراج؟.

وحرر بالرباط 29-2-2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mohamed Kerrouchi, an easter lion roaring to work.

IF we talk about Oujda , we talk about its men -Groupe d'Oujda -literary mean Oujda team men like Bou Madien,Boutaflika ,Abdelkader Remoun -the Roma-man and many others .However, now we talk about the Group of artistic team like our guest today ,Mohammed Kerrouchi .

Although of his late age, Mohammed Kerrouchi moves dynamically in Morooco.His continuous journey from Rabat,Casa,Oujda and Paris never ends because of his great passion and love to cinema .Mohammed is simply a spontaneous artist whose intellect are based on experience and professional work with international artists and actors (see his CV below ).

Kerrouch, no doubt, is smashed by the light of cinema which has extended his love to movie-making and techniques of production . Mohammed talks a lot about injustice that he has known in Rabat and sometimes you find yourself in an embarrassed situation in front of this SNRT veteran, because he has hidden a scar somewhere in his soul and it is difficult to understand Kerrouchi apart from those whose same sufferance share with him . i think he is hurt by the indifference and reject of media institutions that have snatched something from him .I also think it is about his fighting to work with dignity knowing that he is now spearheading a house of production in his native land ,Oujda called Samia-Production .

Being an introversive man, Mohammed Kerrouchi does not give up easily and keep to write cultural programs for television and drama scripts and now he is waiting for SNRT to produce his Tele-film called -Hoboun Wadayae - knowning that ex- manager of production ,Driss El Mrini has alread given him to work on a cultural program called -Reboue Biladi - .
Allal El Alaoui

Saturday, February 23, 2008

School of Visual Arts known in Marrakech as ESAV .

Nostalghia of SNRT veterans continues with the departure of Awlad , Ben Bouazza and others very soon.

Ironically the first Moroccan image of television came right from Mohamed the fifth theatre halls in 1962.Television was diffusing its TV programes via Zhaier cabled dish from this theatre itself while filmmakers were rolling with 8,16 and 35mm . Now that this same theatre is thinking to host a poetical cafeteria for technicians, artists and Arts-goers in general very soon whereas SNRT still lacks the minimum conforts to hack its employees,technicians and journalists.That's why, you won't be surprised if i tell you that the majority of tv ideas are exchanged in the cafe rooms around Dar el Brihi like café of Ben Abdessalam,lockeness,Essalama and Tourayabecause simply there is no artistic space where technicians,journalists ans artists can gather to talk about their beloved televison , initiatives of governments towards improving tv legislatives , the influence of syndicates on rules of admistartion; and especailly the right to work which now becomes in the tongue of everybody urging so many to struggle for a better social life administered by SNRT bureaucrats .

Among Tv veterans that SNRT will lose very soon is Aoulad Ben Abdeslam , Ben Bouazza ,Azizi Abdel Hak and others . Ben Bouazza was a news editor and a chief of cultural service at the production direction chosen unvoluntariry by the ex-director of RTM,Mohamed Issari .Now he is producing documentaries about rural lives such as medical herbs, animals and ethnic groups of Sahara .

As for Awald Be Abdeslam ,known for his fragile awareness of art,he is the first Tv director who designed graphically that cinematic Programe called Zawaya directed by Driss Chwika and presented by Foad Swiba .Recently he has been renewing with El Fassi his artistic programe called Riwak on Moroccan Arts starting with Mohamed El Mrabet and a spanish avant-gardist living in Tangiers .Aoulad also works with devotion other special programes for children like Nadi Al Marah and documentaries about saints of Morocco like My Abdeslam Ben Mshish Al Aroussi. But, what strikes me deeply is that SNRT has supported warmly Mohamed Meftouh because of his sickness until he recovered which we think that it is a nice gesture done to one of tv men who is devoting his life to work for Dar El Brihi.

Written by Allal El Alaoui

Hamid Basket cries against poverty at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival

On the 30th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival,there was a strong Arab presence in this French town and among participants of filmmamkers is Hamid Basket, a Moroccan actor-director who has presented his film- Le Dernier Cri .

Hamid Basket showed a similarly distinguished film also set in a poor urban neighbourhood. In his film Le Dernier Cri, he tells the story of a child who discovers that his mother is cheating on his father with a neighbour and the child's gradual realisation that in the poverty-stricken Moroccan city neighbourhood in which he lives moral values are often discarded as options narrow. Though still conducting an affair, we see the wife taking money from her lover in order to buy food for her sick husband, her eight- year-old son being left to try to understand what all this means.

Al-Ahram Weekly

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Mustapha Hayran,the Willy Brandt of Morocco.

Mustapha Hayran Or Régis Debray

Known for his honesty among his colleagues and also about his fervent struggle through writing political articles for a free nation called Morocco which according to him, must be shaped by a sharing constitution and led enthousistically by true staff of democrats,Mustapha Hayran is a famous Moroccan journalist who writes daily articles about politics and cinema in Moroccan newspapers such as –L’opinion – Essahifa and now,an online newpaper in the net .

Too many people do not know that Mustapha’s devotion to cinema is so great that he is preparing a scenario for Moroccan public . His cultural background is based on reading a lot of books.No doubt the classics is adored by Mustapha especially The Japenese school of cinema , names like Kurazawa and Imamura movies have great impact on Hayran.This book- worm reads continually and whenever you meet him,you find news about politics,culture and cinema . literature,politics,sociology and philosophy are his favourite intellectual subjects and no doubt his craft of his coming script must be interesting to produce .That is why Mustapha rejects mediocrity of Moroccan films and instead admires cinema of good quality .

Mustapha keeps to mention The Brandt Report which is the report which the Independant Commissions wrote, first chaired by Willy Brandt (the former German Chancellor) in 1980 to overlook on the International Development issues.Justice,peace and the report north-south is Mustahpa's daily preooccupation.Sharing the views of Abdellah Hamoudi(an anthropoligist) about the deep change in Morocco, Hayran forsees the arrival of political changes not only in his native land but also in th world because of his wide vision and mere experience, feeling deep nostalghia of those dead and exiled freedom designers of Morocco like Mehdi Ben Barka and Abdelkrim Al Khattabi.

Too many corrupted politicians just creep to get near to Hayran because of his exquisite style of writing both in Arabic and in French,but fortunately his pen remains resistable and free from these mafia-like lobbies that people of Morocco are scorning with disgust. He writes very debating articles about true state of politics as seen by an independent journalist like him free from directives of Big Brother like the ones of leaders of political parties. According to Mustapha, the age of constipated mentalities and political ghosts are about to disappear because as he predicts that the bells ring for a probable approching civil war in his homeland or may be a sudden heart-attack state as described by the former king of Morocco, Hassan The Second,may be happening very soon .
Allal El Alaoui

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Abderrahman Abbar sees the world into Alam Cinema

Allal-cinemagoer : Whenever i go to see an avant-première movie or a seminar about cinema, i find you there holding your CCD camera trying to find the best moments of actions.It seems you love cinema too much .Where do you get this kind of passion of this noble art ?

Abbar : From cinema itself and mainly from looking at the image and taste its wonderful composition , color and lighting . You know Allal, i have come from a poor family that means we did not have a TV set untill i was twelve .Then, my parents bought a TV set in black and white ,But still i was fascinated by that wonderful world of moving images .So,i started to love this image through television and passion grew wider and wider in me .

Allal-cinemagoer : You mean you were observing animations of the images within your imagination .It should have had a great impact on you as a child ?

Abbar : Curiosity of how those image makers produce images overtook my mind. Whenever i watched a TV program , i began to analyze it in a critical way .I remember my first program that i had watched on TV, was an Egyptian movie starring Foad Al Mohandiss.IMy first observations on movies was as follows;a car must stop somewhere in Sahara and this same car has left some wheel traces behind it.there are too many wheel steps left on earth and that means that sequence is shot and reshot many times.This observation impressed me a lot caused within me a criteria that impelled me to do more observation in depth as far movies techniques are concerned .

Allal-cinemagoer : I can see you are still young . You could have gone to the university and deepened your studies ?

Abbar : I had to stop studying because the passion to work on movies has invaded me . Khalid Ibrahimi, a TV director,called me to work with him in a TV drama series called Modawala . I learnt a lot from this type of work . Whenever i had time, i would think about what kind of job i might take in cinema especailly if any opportunity came to me.The idea of filming through camera passioned me a lot .I just love to take camera and start looking for beautiful pictures .It is really something magical and wonderful to see your tiny world through lenzes of your camera .

Allal-cinemagoer : But you were chosen or rather given the job of a sound
technician ?

Abbar : I know that sound is very crucial to complete any cinematic or tv work.But i always prefer to be a cameraman .The technique of sound is great and sound designers are making too many movies successful like Karim Ronda in Cinema and Khalid Akdi the mixer of Protools Auditorium at SNRT . But,as i said to you before camera has been my first love because of its beautiful images it produces .

Allal-cinemagoer : I know that you worked with SNRT as a free-lance sound technician. Television ignores you for a while and does not want you to work on its productions .?

Abbar : Good for me .The job of a free-lance is much better than working with an institution that misunderstands technicians.Besides,working as a free-lance allows me to have more good opportunities like meeting interesting people and getting involved into varied fields of cinema .Forexample,the best thing that happened to me was to meet Fouzi Hussain,the manager of Fouzi vision. Fouzi called me to work with him at Fouzi vision society after going through my technical experiences such as working at SNRT, EL Jazeera, and Abu Dabai .

Allal-cinemagoer : Driss Chwika called you then on what technical background ?

Abbar : At Fouzi vision society, Driss Chwika proposed me to work with him as a sound technician.A huge gate has opened in front of my artistic career especially i was allowed for the first time to be in great cinematic seminars ,intellectual meetings ,Studio Atlas in Warzazzat and above all organizing interviews with film-makers, academics and cinema-goers .

Allal-cinemagoer : Film dicussions too,i presume. Do you think that discussing a movie after watching it, might produce film-makers like Driss Chwika who comes from Cineclubs and also strengthen cinematic cultural backgrounds and encourage cinephila ?

Abbar : Definitely.To discuss a movie is to dig deeply about its artistic structures.How this movies is made ,what kind of cinematic language does the film-makers use ? What is the style,and criteria of the movie? All these items helps me a lot to understand cinema,its mechanisms and its aesthetics .

It is good to see now that Moroccan movies make wonderful box office just like - The Angels of The Satan - directed By Ahmed Boulane and Nancy and the Monster directed by Mahmoud Frites. These film-makers target the public professionally, not using intellectual or individual cinema which is badly accepted by this public itself .

interviewed by Allal El Alaoui

Konstantin Stanislavski means the System,a gift of how to act.

The stanislavski System is not an abstration;it is an activity and a practice .It is a working method for working actors .It is a system because it is coherent,logical-systimatic.anyone who imagines that the system will yield results through a purely intellectual,detached comprehension of its basic ideas will be diappointed .The System is not a theoretical construct;it is a process.The texts of Stanislavski which we possess are a guide to that process and an invitation to experience it directly,personalyy and creatively.
John Beneditti

"How does an actor act? ... How can the actor learn to inspire himself? What can he do to impel himself toward that necessary yet maddeningly elusive creative mood? These were the simple, awesome riddles Stanislavksi dedicated his life to exploring. Where and how to 'seek those roads into the secret sources of inspiration must serve as the fundamental life problem of every true actor' ... If the ability to receive the creative mood in its full measure is given to the genius by nature", Stanislavski wondered, "then perhaps ordinary people may reach a like state after a great deal of hard work with themselves - not in its full measure, but at least in part."
Konstantin Stanislavski

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hard talk at ISCA school about cinema Box office of 2007 in Morocco

It is as we have predicted that the debate of the cinematic income of Moroccan box office 2007 was so ferocious between film-critics ,CCM representatives,bloggers and cinemagoers.

First Driss Jaidi explained that CCM promising projects about cinema have not yet been realized and that there is a horrible delay via channels of bureacracy and indifference .As for Abdessalam Boukhazzar,this cinema-goer states that the majority of Moroccan movies released in 2007 based only on money of government institutions like CCM and SNRT, were mediocre a part from some recent works of Latif Lahlou and Ahmed Bouanani. Al khamar,an opinion jounalist ,interferes elegantly recalling debaters that in the seventies, cinephiles were talking only about giving freedom of speech to film-directors but now we think implicitly to get rid of this same freedom especially now Moroccan movies tackle subjects like sex,violence ,music and Moroccan Jews deported to Israel .

whereas Allal El Alaoui,an AD and chronicler, encourages Isca students to look for cinematic archives in CCM before 2003, because allal thinks any nation must go through its memories to find out the truth . Allal carries on to say that piracy of international and national films makes controvercy between cinemagoers and film-makers ,but instead he explains that it is not the fault of piracy of closing cinemas ,but it is about producing mediocrity in movies ,the influence of satelites Tv channels and namely the continuous support of bad directors . Quentin Tarantino ,Micheal Moore and Nabil AYouch's ecouragement for Hackers to pirate their films still continues to be in the front of many newspapers and in the Internet . These people know what they are targeting,of course ttheir audience through adverts and publicity .Allal continues to persuade CCM to burn Moroccan cinema into DVDs from 1944 till now ,because this digital operation can help cinemagoers and academics to write and re-write chronic-al facts and events of those memorial decades .Al Hamoudi finally took the microphone speaking enthusiastically in front of crowded cinema lovers, he, politically correct ,said loudly that CCM and SNRT should give opportunities to young people ,to Tv and CCM technicians to work,because their dignity is at risk .
Allal EL Alaoui

National Film Festival of Settat Amateurs is dating cinema-goers in spring time ( April).

NFFSA, sands for National Film Festival of Settat Amateurs, is an association created by the 7 th Art and organized by the local councel of Settat and also encouraged and supported by CCM .The main objectives of NFFSA :

- Enrich Moroccan media fields .
- Identificcation of film and video-makers through out the kingdom of Morocco.
- Offering fim-amateurs the opportunity to create films and meet professional doers in cinema.
-Promoting creativity of Amateur-film-makers.
-Helping Amateurs to find international opportunities .
-Enrich Moroccan culture through filming and video making .
-Enrich media memories of Morocco by Amateurs productions .

Kenza Fridou, a heroine girl of theatre.

Passionnée du théatre, Kenza Fridou s'y est adonnée trés jeune. âgée de 48 ans,étant prédestinée, dès son jeune âge, à devenir artiste, elle s'est consacrée corps et âme au théâtre. elle avait un don inné pour la danse. ses enseignants décèlent en elle un grand penchant pour la comédie et lui conseillent de la pratiquer. elle s'y consacre et en fait sa raison d'être. elle s'inscrit au théâtre de la Maison des jeunes de son quartier. elle fait de même à l'école et participe aux spéctacles représentés à l'occasion de la Fête du Trône et de la fin de l'année scolaire. en 1974, elle participe, comme actrice professionnelle, à la pièce théâtrale "Sebaâ Snaiaâ Oua Razk Daiâe" réalisée par Abdelmjid Fennich.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Taieb Alaoui chosen to be the cinema guy of Rabat and its region

By Allal EL Alaoui
Now , it is the first time in history of Moroccan cinema, Rabat the political capital of Morocco, has now its own region president of Cinema Union guild called Taieb Alaoui elected yesterday on the 17th of february 2008 at the Mohamed five Theatre .He was supported by a pre - selection commission team designed by the president himself Mustapha Ziraoui.

Five members will voluntarily join Taieb to complete his team which is shaped of varied technical and artistic technicians such as Youssef Tanane , a casting director, Hisham Brini, a producer, Mohamed Waglou ,an actor and Allal El Alaoui , an assistant-director and chronicler .

The task of Taieb Alaoui is not as easy as it seems ,because his full attention must be focused first not only on protecting crew and defending their rights to work in cinema nationally and internationally , but also promoting their work into a high standard of professionalism .

So, Mustapha Ziraoui 's choice could be well targeted and nicely designed knowing that the fight of organizing the mechanism of work of the so called cinema crew in Morocco has just started to move .