Sanaa is born in a millennium town called Salé near Rabat in Morocco. She studied in a school in Tabriket and then went to the college of Hassan the Second in Rabat. From her brilliant beginning in this school, her tutors noticed her commitment to study and great interest to literature and Arts namely English language. Sanaa had brilliant marks and in fact, she had valuable support by the Moroccan Academy of Students based in Rabat, and admitted in Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary to apply for a Bachelor’s degree there. Sanaa‘s bachelor Thesis was long takes and Continuity in filmic language.
dress is obligatory at formal University ceremonies. This form of robes and
hoods designated to the different subjects and degrees may be traced back to
medieval Europe, when dress marked out to the rank and profession of the
wearer. The Robes worn today are much the same as those worn in the 16th
century. Sanaa, we are proud of you.
Written By Allal El Alaoui
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