Saturday, April 18, 2020

Improve Your Writing Style with Corey Mandell 2

I'll be posting more videos in the coming week.

The only thing I ask is that if you find any of these videos helpful, please help get the word out to other writers as we continue to support each other through these challenging times.

Remain healthy and safe,


What Others Are Saying
"When I get in trouble with a story, there are only
two sources to which I turn for help – and Corey is one of them."
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Two-time Academy Award-winning screenwriter 
and director (CrashMillion Dollar BabyCasino Royale) 

If you want to hone your craft as a professional writer,
Corey provides the comprehensive training and clear cut techniques to do so. I’ve found his workshops to be invaluable.”
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Co-creator of HBO's Togetherness

"Corey’s classes provide exercises which reinforce fundamental
elements needed to create a strong script. If you are committed
to becoming a better writer his class can help you."
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Director of Development and Production at HBO Film