Friday, February 08, 2019

cinema : a science, an industrie and a spectacle.

                                                                   Abdellah Zeroulai

Written by Abdellah Zeroulai

The cinema: a science, an industry and a show.
My purpose is to answer a very simple question: what is the nature of this phenomenon called cinema and nicknamed the 7th Art? Several definitions are possible but they remain fragmentary. To say that it is an art is not enough. Because it is also a scientific discovery, a contemporary industry, a business that involves the distribution and exploitation of films and, above all, a show of collective entertainment. Cinema is a science insofar as scientists have discovered the laws of visual and auditory perception and applied them to the manufacture of recording and reproducing apparatus for image and sound. The camera and the microphone are nothing but the imitation of two human organs: the eye and the ear. But if the power of human organs is limited in space and time, the power of sound recording and recording devices is constantly changing thanks to advances in technology. The same applies to reproduction equipment and projection screens. It is precisely thanks to technical and technological progress that cinema has moved beyond scientific curiosity to become an artistic industry. That is to say a phenomenon which implements means of production, both material and human, to make cinematographic films.
 Before arriving in cinemas, these films pass through distributors who are service providers. They are the ones who promote the films, that is their advertising, before and during their exploitation in the movie theaters. It is also at this stage that writers called "the critics" come in because they analyze the films to make sense of them. From all the foregoing, it can be concluded that cinema is a human activity that makes use of intellectual, economic and social resources. From this perspective, cinema is a means of communication. The ministry of guardianship bears precisely this name in addition to that of culture. In our country, it's not the vests but the laughs that are yellow. In other words, a cinema financed by the public treasury is like the most beautiful woman in the world who can give only what she can have. I am speaking to those who do not know and not to those who know or who think they know. A POING that's all!
It is an art not enough. Because it is also a scientific discovery, a contemporary industry, a business that involves the distribution and exploitation of films and, above all, a show of collective entertainment. Cinema is a science insofar as scientists have discovered the laws of visual and auditory perception and applied them to the manufacture of recording and reproducing apparatus for image and sound. The camera and the microphone are nothing but the imitation of two human organs: the eye and the ear. But if the power of human organs is limited in space and time, the power of sound recording and recording devices is constantly changing thanks to advances in technology. The same applies to reproduction equipment and projection screens.
It is precisely thanks to technical and technological progress that cinema has moved beyond scientific curiosity to become an artistic industry. That is to say a phenomenon which implements means of production, both material and human, to make cinematographic films. Before arriving in cinemas, these films pass through distributors who are service providers. They are the ones who promote the films, that is their advertising, before and during their exploitation in the movie theaters. It is also at this stage that writers called "the critics" come in because they analyze the films to make sense of them. From all the foregoing, it can be concluded that cinema is a human activity that makes use of intellectual, economic and social resources.
 From this perspective, cinema is a means of communication. The ministry of guardianship bears precisely this name in addition to that of culture. In our country, it's not the vests but the laughs that are yellow. In other words, a cinema financed by the public treasury is like the most beautiful woman in the world who can give only what she can have. I am speaking to those who do not know and not to those who know or who think they know. A POING that's all