Sunday, January 29, 2012

لنتذكر عياذ , المغربي الذي أبكى الأميريكان

Adieu Ayad, saxophoniste dont personne n'a parlé ni sur les radios incultes ni sur les stations cultes. Il avait joué à Rabat avec les Matécocos qui lui ont offert un saxe à la Plantation. Ayad, musicien soul, salsa et rock, a également joué avec Quincy Jones bien avant Mawa, the Rolls, Fingers et autres musiciens de Rabat. stop

Ayad is a Moroccan musician. He was born in Salé, a millennium town close to Rabat.Ayad died last year without paying his medical rights in Swissi in Rabat, because simply our man was poor.

Too many powerful people in Rabat know him vey well. they used to call him via Hilton Hotel, Kasbah, Challa or other private places in the capital, for a Jazzy crasy night where he would play all sorts of Blues and Jazz.Ayad was a member of Belkass band the one that celebrates Jazz in Oudaya every year in Rabat .Ayad was never been called to television shows or a special guest to any festival in Moroccan, just to show his art and humour. Yet when he played Casablanca, Yesterday Besame or Charlie Parker music, Americans cry without stop.