Thursday, October 22, 2009

International Film Festival for women in Salé" Third version"

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At last, women of image lovers whose passion of cinema is great ,can eventually see themselves in Salé , a popular town preparing itself to be cosmopolitan in 2020 close to Rabat .The Rbaties and Slawies say that Abou Regreg Association should not have taken charge of this film festival as far as the organization is concerned because as it is believed that it can not make it nor has any reasonable means to do so ,but things get upside down in this Sherifian territory known as Morocco .

From the first sight of this organisation , this film festival seems to be missing a lot that is to say and simply speaking cinema-goers can not be found nor they would go to watch movies .So ,why? It is a question that the team of Abu Regreg organisers should answer as soon as possible either through writing,emailing or image .In fact; what happens to media holders or press reponsibles who can not seduce respectable cinema lovers to attend beautiful soirée of cinema - theatres in Salé which are unfortunately empty and deserted ?

The Association of Abu regreg has cinephiles and that is for sure ,yet its will to succeed in organizing women's film festival seems to be more impossible .So many film critic and journalists state that this third oraganisation is more amateurish than professional,besides The team of Abu Regreg does not have that taste to call people of cinema in order to beautify the bad deeds that have been made by the team named above who is totally derailed to have the minimum to sucesss such as having logistic and means to organise film festival for women .

Last time, a Syrian director can not get his award gotten out of the second term, has made an appeal agaisnt the team of Abu Regreg association spearhead by its manager,Abdelatif Assadi ,an incridible cinema "non-lover" .