Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hollywood -Bollywood peace intiative is on the desk of Nabil Ben abdellah,The minister of communication in Morocco

The minister of conmmunication,Nabil Benabdellah working with Moroccan-Spanish crew along with AllaL EL Alaoui.

هوليود وبوليود في المغرب

حسن بوجا

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

الصورة مِلك مُشترك تتقاسمه البشرية كافة لتحقيق السعادة.ومبادرتي تهدف،في أسمى مراميها،إلى تقريب فعلي ملموس،بين صانعين كبيرين للحلم،وهما هوليود وبوليود،وذلك من خلال الجمع،لليلة واحدة ممتعة،ومفعمة بالأصوات الدافئة والأضواء المتوهجة،وفوق نفس البلاتوه،نجوما سينمائية من هوليود وبوليود.."

هكذا يختصر السيد علال علاوي مشروعه الطموح،وذلك ضمن تعريف لفكرة ثقافية سينمائية غير مسبوقة،وتتمثل في الجمع لأول مرة بعض نجوم الفن السابع الأمريكيين والهنود في مكان واحد،اختار صاحب الفكرة أن يكون المغرب،باعتبار أنه أحد البلدان التي يتمتع فيها هؤلاء النجوم بالمتابعة والاهتمام، ولديهم جمهور كبير،بالرغم من انتماء هؤلاء النجوم لحساسيتين سينمائيتين مُختلفتين،الأولى غربية والثانية شرقية،مع كل ما يُحيل عليه هذا التقسيم،من اختلافات حضارية،وثقافية واجتماعية وسياسية..إلخ،غير أن ما يجمعهم هو الفن السابع باعتبار أداته التقنية المشتركة،ألا وهي الصورة،ومضمونه المعنوي الواحد وهو الحلم.

الفكرة جديدة كل الجدة،حيث سيكون بعض نجوم هوليود الكبار جنبا إلى جنب مع نظراء لهم من بوليود،مثلا،وكما أنجز ذلك خُطاطته صاحب الفكرة،سيكون مثلا "براد بيت" إلى جانب "شاروخان" و"روبير دونيرو" إلى جانب "أميتاب باتشان" و "ميل جبسون" إلى جانب "جون أبراهام".....واللائحة طويلة ،مشوقة،وطريفة أيضا.

علال علاوي صحافي يشتغل بالشركة الوطنية للإذاعة والتلفزة،وهو خريج جامعة يوركشاير ببريطانيا،تخصص الأدب الإنجليزي،ولديه اهتمام وشغف بمتابعة التجارب السينمائية العالمية،عبر بلدان القارات الخمس،غير أنه يقف طويلا،بعين مُتذوقة وعقل مهتم ،بالتجربتين السينمائيتين الأكبر،من حيث الإنتاج الغزير،والانتشار العالمي،أمام هذين الصرحين الصناعيين الضخمين:هوليود وبوليود..ومن رحم هذا الاهتمام وُلدت لديه فكرة جمع التجربتين في زمن ومكان واحد،لأول مرة في تاريخهما.

علال علاوي مشغول هذه الأيام،كما لم يكن أبدا من قبل،بفكرته المبتكرة،التي يريدها،مُبادرة كبيرة،تنتقل أصداؤها،عبر العالم،خدمة لقيم الفن والتسامح والسلام.

ثمة أطراف حكومية وإعلامية مغربية،أبدت اهتمامها بالفكرة،والتزمت بتقديم الدعم المادي واللوجستيكي للمشروع الطموح،من بينها الشركة الوطنية للإذاعة والتلفزة،التي التزمت بتامين النقل المباشر لليلة الحفل الهوليودي البوليودي،كما أن كتابة الدولة المكلفة بالشباب والمركز السينمائي المغربي،بصدد دراسة جوانب الدعم المادي للفكرة،وبين هذا وذاك ينتقل السيد علال علاوي من هذه الجهة الرسمية إلى أخرى بدأب،لحشد العون والدعم،ليُؤكد،كما يقول،أن في المغرب واضعو أفكار مُبتكرة وليس واضعو القنابل الإرهابية فقط

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dr Bachchan goes Holly-Bolly.

Dr Bachchan is willingly for the idea of making the international event in Casablanca called Hollywood-Bollywood peace initiative engineered by Allal El Alaoui . AB as he is called by his beloved fans around the world ,knows Morocco through FIFM in Marrakech where he also proposed for the first time IIFA awards already chosen by Yorkshire people this year 2007.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hespress,first on-line Moroccan journal on Holly-Bolly

Here is another sunshire of journalism in Morocco called Hespress .Another way of expressing onself on line in Morocco . You just click on www.hespress.com and you go into the soul of Morocco .It is about the first ever newspaper on line monitored by some excellent Moroccan journalists and among them Hassan Bouja(Pseudo name) Who has written his article on Allal El Alaoui 's dream -Hollywood-Bollywood peace initiative which is an artistic event supposed to happen in casabalnca this summer . The objectif of this show is only for the sake of peace and dialog between the people of the world .

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wim Wenders,an outstanding poet of image

L'incendie au bord de la prairie
Les pommes de terre dans la cendre
La remise à bateaux loin là-bas au bord du lac
La Croix du Sud
L'Orient lointain
Le Grand Nord
L'Ouest sauvage
Le Grand Lac de l'Ours
Les îles Tristan da Cunha
Le delta du Mississipi
Les vieilles maisons de Charlottenburg
Albert Camus
La lumière du matin
Le regard de l'enfant
Le bain dans la cascade
Les taches des premières gouttes de pluie
Le soleil
Le pain et le vin
Le saut à cloche-pied
Les veines des feuilles
L'herbe ondoyante
Les couleurs des pierres
Les galets sur le lit du ruisseau
La nappe blanche au grand air
Le rêve de la maison... dans la maison
Le prochain qui dort dans la pièce voisine
La paix du dimanche
La lumière de la chambre dans le jardin
Le vol de nuit
Le vélo sans les mains
La belle inconnue
Mon père
Ma mère
Ma femme
Mon enfant

Peter Handke et Wim Wenders (Les ailes du désir)

Born only a few months after the end of the Second World War, Wim Wenders is a product of post-war (West) Germany. One of the formative elements in Wenders' youth was an obsession with the mainly American (but also British) pop culture of comics, pinball machines and, most importantly, rock and roll. Wenders, the most commercially successful exponent of the neue deutsche Kino, has become known as the most “American” member of the movement, in terms of his filmic content as well as the measure of success that he has achieved in carving his own niche as a European filmmaker in America. Wenders is also the only 'member' of the 1970s German film movement to have attended film school (the then theatre director/playwright Rainer Werner Fassbinder was turned down by Munich's Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen, from which Wenders and his long-time cinematographer, Robby Müller, and long-time editor, Peter Przygodda, graduated)


Wenders has described this time as the loneliest period of his life, however the combination of isolation and a freezing Parisian apartment created the perfect conditions for him to study film more intensively than possibly anywhere else in the world. Every evening from the time that Friedlander's studio closed up until midnight, Wenders could be found alone viewing some of the world's most significant cinematic works at Henri Langlois' Cinémathèque. During his year in Paris, Wenders viewed well over one thousand films.

From production through to distribution, the same brutality was at work: the lovelessness in dealing with images, sounds and language, the stupidity of German synchronisation, the meanness of the block and blind booking system, the indifference of advertising, the absence of conscience in the exploitation of cinema owners, the narrow-mindedness in the shortening of films and so on.

In Kings of the Road, the meditative pace and shunning of many plot devices that propel a story in the Hollywood model, mirrors that of Yasujiro Ozu, who Wenders first became aware of whilst living in New York. However, Wenders looks fondly towards Hollywood cinema in a homecoming sequence, which directly quotes Nicholas Ray's The Lusty Men (1952), when Vogler, rather than Robert Mitchum, discovers a tin box full of comics under some stairs in the house of his childhood. Nicholas Ray himself was given a supporting role in Wenders' next film, an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's Ripley's Game (recently remade by Lilian Cavani), which existed only in manuscript form when acquired.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Chinese cinema beautifies Rabat this spring

Shi Yuewen,l'attaché culturel

Rabat this coming sunday 15th of april 2007, will open up a Kazakh movie directed by Gao Feng and written by Ma Weiijun . All cinephiles and cinemagoers in Rabat are passionatly waiting for the moment especially it is officially stated that a Chinese delagation will be present with the film projection called " My Native beautiful country '.
Shi Yuewen,Adil in Arabic is The official cultural chinese manager based in Rabat ,and has done a tremendous effort along with CCM , not only to bring these movies but to do more film business with SNRT via Liu Wangchun and Allal EL Alaoui' concertations and hard work . Continuos contacts still carry on between SNRT and Chinese cultural service in order to project Chinese cinema on televsion may be this coming winter .

Cinema as seen in box office

البوكس اوفس هومكان بيع تداكرالسينما الي الجمهور قصد الدخول قاعات العرض. ويستعمل هذا اللفظ كلما يتعلق بالصناعة السينمائية ومداخيلها عن طريق الارقام.
علال العلاوي

A box office is a place where tickets are sold to the public for admission to a venue. Patrons may perform the transaction at a countertop, through an unblocked hole through a wall, or at a wicket.
The term is often used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. This can be measured in terms of the number of people who see it or the amount of money raised by ticket sales. The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for fans.
Some complain that industry focus on profit has diminished the attention given to film as an art form. However, analysis of the financial success of films is very influential for the production and funding of future works.( From wikipedia.org)

YEAR 2003

USA 458 3 622 323 57947660
INDIA 378 3 783602 36101026
MOROCCO 28 52 4619 10 741341
FRANCE 60 660 0035 10 491 345
EGYPT 23 158 485 2 421240
UK 7 82 921 2 099 787
HONG KONG 16 165 667 1 580 631
CHINA 17 138 092 1 012 549
ITALY 13 72 981 446 055
TUNISIA 2 9 402 79 513
UK/USA 2 1 924 71 290
JAPAN 2 1 387 22 509
OTHERS 300 671 3 925 492
TOTAL 1 006 9 522 109 126 940 438

Box-Office France de la semaine du 03 Avril 2007




1. Ensemble, C'Est Tout Pathé Distribution 2 515171 1172362
2. 300 Warner Bros 2 401596 1204571
3. Le Secret De Térabithia SND 1 361394 361394
4. Hellphone Studio Canal 1 172357 172357
5. La Tête De Maman UGC 1 171584 171584
6. La Môme TFM Distribution 7 132833 4977245
7. Alpha Dog Métropolitan Film 1 129674 129674
8. Cendrillon & Le Prince (pas Trop) Charm... TFM Distribution 1 114688 114688
9. La Cité Interdite SND 3 97636 680471
10. Le Come-back Warner Bros 3 92093 665299

Source : cbo-boxoffice.com

Box-Office USA du Week-End du 23 Mars 2007



C.A W-End

C.A Total
1. Les Tortues Ninja Warner Bros 1 24.2 M$ 24.2 M$
2. 300 Warner Bros 3 19.8 M$ 161.7 M$
3. Shooter Tireur D'élite Paramount 1 14.5 M$ 14.5 M$
4. Bande De Sauvages, Vieux Motard Que Ja... BVI 4 13.8 M$ 123.3 M$
5. La Colline A Des Yeux 2 20th Century Fox 1 9.6 M$ 9.6 M$
6. Premonition TFM Distribution 2 9.5 M$ 31.6 M$
7. Reign Over Me Gaumont Columbia Trist... 1 7.4 M$ 7.4 M$
8. Pride 1 3.5 M$ 3.5 M$
9. Dead Silence 2 3.4 M$ 13.2 M$

Source : cbo-boxoffice.com

Meilleures ventes DVD de la semaine
1. Superman Returns Warner Home Vidéo
2. Garfield 2 Fox Pathé Europa
3. Nos Voisins, Les Hommes Paramount Home Ent...
4. Nos Jours Heureux M6 Vidéo
5. Grey'S Anatomy - Saison 2 (partie 2) Buena Vista Home E...
6. Cars - Quatre Roues Buena Vista Home E...
7. Leroy Et Stitch Buena Vista Home E...
8. Ultraviolet GCTHV
9. 16 Blocs Seven 7
10. L'âge De Glace 2 Fox Pathé Europa

Source : gfkms.com

Top Consultation Cinéma
1. 300 32.49 %
2. Ensemble, C'Est Tout 11.29 %
3. Le Come-back 9.97 %
4. La Cité Interdite 7.04 %
5. Goal ! 2 6.97 %
6. Alpha Dog 6.94 %
7. Ecrire Pour Exister 6.75 %
8. Le Secret De Térabithia 6.33 %
9. Hellphone 6.26 %
10. Norbit 5.95 %

Top Consultation DVD
1. Hostel 13.15 %
2. Indigènes 12.4 %
3. Le Diable S’habille En Prada 11.34 %
4. Une Vérité Qui Dérange 10.95 %
5. Inside Man 10.74 %
6. Les Rebelles De La Forêt 9.37 %
7. World Trade Center 9.01 %
8. Ne Le Dis à Personne 8.46 %
9. Prête-moi Ta Main 8.29 %
10. Quand J'étais Chanteur 6.28 %
source : www.commeaucinema.com

Par défaut Maroc : 3 films en tête du box-office

Trois films nationaux en tête du box-office des films en 2006

MAROC - 26 décembre 2006 - XINHUA

Les films marocains "Marock", " La symphonie marocaine" et "Les Ailes brisées" ont pris la tête du box-office des films en 2006, selon des statistiques publiées mardi par le Centre cinématographique Marocain (CCM).

Le film "Marock" a engrangé au cours de cette année quelques 3, 816 millions de dirhams (1 dollar=8,5 dirhams) de recettes. Les deux autres films nationaux ont recueilli des recettes estimées respectivement à environ 2 millions de dirhams et 1,3 million de dirhams.

Les films américains "The Da Vinci Code" et "Mission Impossible 3", classés quatrième et cinquième, ont récolté chacun plus de 1 million de dirhams.

Avec une enveloppe de près de 910 mille dirhams, le film égyptien "Yana Ya khalti" a été classé sixième devant "Pirates des Caraïbes, le secret du coffre maudit" et "King-Kong" (Néo-Zélande- USA).

Les films américains "Munich" et "Deux flics à Miami" ferment la marche du Top Ten du box-office 2006 au Maroc avec des recettes respectives de 553.083 et 530.150 dirhams.

Xinhua ( from www.beladi.net)