Thursday, January 09, 2014

The Step by Allal EL Alaoui and Khalid Akalai

By Ali Karama

Along the Martil beach in Tetuan,there stand benignly‎ two artists talking about Arabo-Andalousia archetecture and literature.These two men are Khalid Akalai and Allal El Alaoui.Khalid talks fervently about his story called – The step – which is about an Arabo-Andalousian facet in which there is a step leading to entrance  and there we see the changes of historical events that occur to a Moroccan family from the forties of twentieth century until today .

Allal ,being himself an artist of great interest to Arts, is impressed by this story and agrees to rewrite it toghether with Khalid to realise and produce it for the silver screen this year .The step is worth to be produced because it will be  a shortfilm that deals with the history of Morocco via dramatic events that happen to a decent family.The script has been already written by Khalid Akalai and Allal El Alaoui and gotten  ,via Siham's production company called  Cinema and Movies 'its first fund from 2013 CCM commission presided by honorable Abdelkrim Berrechid  to release a sum of 100.000.00 Dirham.