Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mustapha Ziraoui jumps to directing thanks to the approval of cinematic commissions spearheaded by Bensalem Hamish.

CCM film commission examined seven cinematic projects in which there were eight long-feature films and only one project of short films ,writes L'opinion today .The commission led by its boss,Bensalem Hamish has approved to give Mustapha Ziraoui a financial help,70,000Dh to start to shoot his short film called ' Shoes of THE OTHERS"

Being also the chaiman of Cinema Union in Morocco ,Mustapha Ziraoui will organize along with Hassan Press Club in Rabat a press conference about a film documentary "Al Madina Al Oum" produced by Mohammed Kerrouchi,Samia Film production Oriental,written and directed by Allal El Alaoui.This latter will explain the press the procedures of shooting his film and the wonderful help of some governamental institutions like El Willaya of Rabat especially the Governor of Salé and his employees .The press conference will be held next tuesday the first of April 2008 at 10 o'clock AM.
Allal El Alaoui