Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ahmed Sarouri given a prize for the first time: The blogger-award 2008.

Ahmed Sarouri

Ahmed Sarouri , an assistant director in SNRT known for his good behaviour and especially good reports on his professional devotion to work and honesty via a vis his colleagues and adiministration ,has been awarded for the first time ,the best technician blogger-award of 2008 .

This news is officially stated by the bloglines in Los Angeles through Allal's blogging chronicles .The blogger-award is created this year 2008 by Allal El Alaoui for TV,Radio and cinema technicians to be given symbolically each year to those who merit it by showing devotion to work ,honesty and good behaviour .

Allal El Alaoui will hand this blogger-award to Ahmed Sarouri very soon either by an official SNRT mediator see Abderrahim Abou Al Mawahib or by Khalid Akdi ,the CDT official spoken man of the SNRT technician in Morocco.

Well done Ahmed and we wish you all the best.

Allal El Alaoui