Friday, December 08, 2006

Mohammad Jembari in solidarity wwith his bollyphile daughter Iman

My relationship with Iman is at a distance, but it is my girl and i love her.Her mother Boushra,is a tender and sweet to her .She has a great affinity and intimacy with Iman.She took her to the cinema in order to watch Indian movies .Iman's education at school,is a story that any filmmaker would like to tell.She is very enthusistic and doing well . Her school master gives her responsibilty to write plays and perform them at school.She studies hard and is the first girl nearly in all subjetcs.Sometimes , she really has nasty arguments with her teachers.She likes bollywood blockbusters and keeps in conatct with great actors via the internet .She is a very blogger.I remember that she saw a co-production between Indian and British actors in a movie.She said to me why we just could not do the same with Moroccans ans indian actors.She reads a lot and i have a feeling that she writes a script one day .I observe her from distance and i think she is gradually improving in everything .I am very proud of her and she is really wonderful.In 2002 at Jamae Al Fna , a very famous popular square in Marrakech , she met up with Aami Khan.She spoke to him in Hindustani and he was really impressed about my baby.She has read many books including shakespeare'Othelo'that is why she comes this year 2006 to watch the new version of the Indian filmmaker ' OMKARA'.